With the proliferation of online lectures, working groups and all manner of events, we at the JHI Blog thought it would be a good idea to consolidate news and opportunities relevant to our colleagues working in intellectual history. We will publish these roundups of public lectures, conferences, calls for papers, working groups and new journal issues every other Saturday.

We encourage our readers to send us information and updates about any news or events that fits within this scope. You can use this form to let us know about something you’d like us to publicize.

Webinar: “Black and Indigenous Futures”

Organized by the Society of Black Archaeologists
April 7th, 2021, at 4:00pm – 6:00pm EDT

In this final webinar of the series, archaeologists, artists, and cultural theorists turn to questions of what’s next in the struggle for the recognition and promotion of Indigenous and Black life. They ask: How can archaeology, the study of material worlds past and present, help construct new futures? This work will include recognizing the ongoing experiences of cultural genocide and how to sustain ancestral homelands while cultivating new ones for diasporas always in the making. We will explore the intersection of Black and Indigenous communities in the continued fight for justice.


Lecture: “Fanon on the Matter of Breathing,” Achille Mbembe (WiSER, Wits University)

Wednesday, April 7, 6PM (Johannesburg time)

From February to October of 2021, WiSER’s PUBLIC POSITIONS Series will present ten public thematic dialogues on the new generation of Fanon studies. Particular emphasis will be placed on the political and the clinical, the close communication between the two, how they impact upon one another and are at times mistaken for each other. Speakers are invited to develop one or more arguments for 20 minutes each. This will be followed by a dialogue led by Professor Achille Mbembe before the session is opened to a broader audience.

Registration here.


CfP: “Narratives of Temporality: Continuities, Discontinuities, Ruptures”

Conference organised by the London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, to take place July 24-25, 2021 at Cambridge/Online.

The aim of this conference is to develop a multidisciplinary reflection on the complex relationship between narrative and temporality. The central topics concern the multiple and articulated ways in which narrative practices and forms of temporality dynamically interact, by developing a multifaceted space of concepts, theories, practices and knowledge, in a dynamics of cross-disciplinary thinking. Full CfP here.

Proposals up to 250 words should be sent by April 30, 2021 to spatiality.temporality@lcir.co.uk.


CfP: “Plague, politics, and portents,” Ars Longa Journal

Ars Longa is a new, independent online journal and blog dedicated to Early Modern art and visual/material culture. The aim is to create an open-access, creative platform where early career scholars and advanced graduate students can share their research and current projects. For our inaugural issue, we welcome submissions related—but not limited—to the following topics: epidemics, plagues, and sickness; prophesies, omens and portents; marvels, wonders, and prodigies; eschatology; flood, famine, and other natural disasters; memento mori, memorials, and mourning; political upheaval, uprisings, revolts, and war. Read the full call here.

For consideration, please send your abstract (250 words) along with a CV to arslongajournal at gmail.com by April 15, 2021.


CfP: “Liberalism and/or socialism: tensions, exchanges and convergences from the 19th century to today”

Conference organized by the University of Lorraine – Nancy (France), to take place October 21–22, 2021.

This conference aims at reevaluating the relationship between two major ideologies—liberalism and socialism—which seem to be contested nowadays, exploring the forms they have taken and tracing their development from their rise in the 19th century onward. Papers that address the interactions between socialism and liberalism in the English-speaking world (Ireland, UK, US etc.) , in the fields of intellectual history, the history of political and economic thought, economic and political history are welcome. Read the full call here.

Proposals (300 words max) and a short biography should be sent to liberalism.socialism.conference@gmail.com and stephane.guy@univ-lorraine.fr by May 10, 2021.

CfP: “Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West”
University of Cambridge Postgraduate Online Conference 21-22 June 2021

This conference seeks to explore historical and contemporary dialogues between Buddhism and the West, while also contemplating ways of opening up new conversations. With an appreciation of the value of interdisciplinarity, we aim to bring together scholars from diverse fields to both share and enhance their unique perspectives. In today’s era of globalisation, dialogue between different cultures is a daily occurrence. The last century in particular has produced a dynamic exchange of ideas between Buddhism and the West. Important exchanges have occurred in myriad areas of intellectual life, ranging from spiritual endeavours to the pursuit of a scientific understanding of the mind.

Please send abstract (500 words) and CV to: dynamicencounters2021@gmail.com by 9 May 2021.

Featured Image: Rik Wouters, “Woman in Black Reading a Newspaper,” 1912.