Primary Editors

Artur Banaszewski

Primary Editor

Artur Banaszewski is a PhD researcher in the Department of History and Civilization at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He holds a Master of Letters degree in Global Social and Political Thought from the University of St Andrews. Artur’s doctoral project titled “Disillusioned with communism. Zygmunt Bauman, Leszek Kołakowski and the global decline of orthodox Marxism” explores Eastern European critiques of socialist thought and intersects them with the global political context of the Cold War. His research interests include global intellectual history, postcolonial studies, political theory, and Cold War liberalism.

Rajosmita Roy

Primary Editor

Rajosmita Roy is a PhD scholar of History with interests in the history of modern South Asia, imperial, gender and intellectual history at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, funded by the SOAS Research Studentship. Her research studies the process of women’s subject formation while tracing the discourse between Indian and English women through a study of the periodical press between colonialism and nationalism in British India. Prior to this, she had been awarded the Chancellor’s International Scholarship at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex where she received her Masters in Gender and Development Studies. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in History from Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi, India. Her writings have appeared in Political Theology—Routledge and Women & Society: Journal of the Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies. She has worked on the research and development of the project History for Peace under The Seagull Foundation for the Arts.

Jacob Saliba

Primary Editor

Jacob Saliba is a doctoral candidate in history at Boston College. His dissertation, “The Discovery of the Sacred in Interwar France: From Contestation to Cooperation, 1919-1941” examines and critically reflects on the mutual intellectual projects and community bonds that formed between Catholic, Jewish, and secular French intellectuals between World War I and World War II. Major themes include phenomenology, existentialism, Hegelianism, and personalism. His research has been supported by grants and fellowships from the Social Science Research Council, Boston College, Loyola University Chicago, and the University of Notre Dame.  Jacob has also presented on themes of Catholicism, modern philosophy, and French intellectuals at the American Catholic Philosophical Association, The American Catholic Historical Association, The American Historical Association, and others. He holds a BA in Political Science and Economics with honors from Ohio Dominican University and a MA in political philosophy from Boston College.

Contributing Editors

Nick Barone

Contributing Editor

Nick Barone is a PhD candidate in History and a fellow in the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities at Princeton University. His dissertation focuses on the shifting semiotic role and function of pessimism and apathy in British political-intellectual life, from the onset of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1792 to the exile of a 31-year-old Karl Marx to London in 1849. He has secondary interests in the comparative history of European statecraft, aesthetics, post-Kantian philosophy, and labor history. Nick graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Vassar College in 2019 with a B.A. in English and History. He has also completed coursework in modern European history at the University of Oxford and in literary studies, legal history, and gender and sexuality studies at Brown University.

Kelby Bibler

Contributing Editor

Kelby Bibler is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Memphis, where he studies the philosophy of mind and embodied cognition. His research uses the methodological frameworks of phenomenology and 4E cognition to investigate the perceptual contents and effects of non-traditional states of consciousness. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of this work, he grounds his research in empirical data and the history of philosophy, attempting to display its application for our personal and social lives.

Nuala P. Caomhánach

Contributing Editor

Nuala P. Caomhánach is a doctoral student in the Department of History at New York University and evolutionary biologist at the American Museum of Natural History. Her research focuses on the concept, meaning, and construction of biological Time and Space across three bodies of scientific knowledge—Ecological, Malagasy, and Phylogenetic—as applied to conservation ideology and policy from the late nineteenth century to the present day. In short, her dissertation aims to understand how Madagascar became the botanical museum to save all of nature (and thus, mankind).

Jonathon Catlin

Contributing Editor

Jonathon Catlin is an Ph.D. Candidate in History and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities (IHUM) at Princeton University, where he studies modern European intellectual history. His research centers on the concept of catastrophe and philosophical responses to the Holocaust in German and Jewish thought. He received his M.A. in philosophy from KU Leuven and his B.A. in Fundamentals: Issues & Texts from the University of Chicago. His writings have appeared in The Point, Post45, and Antisemitism Studies.

Sanjana Chowdhury

Contributing Editor

Sanjana Chowdhury is a PhD candidate in the Department of English at Texas Christian University. She has also completed a graduate certificate in Comparative Race and Ethnicity Studies. Sanjana is the copy editor of the digital humanities project Teaching Transatlanticism, an online resource for teaching nineteenth-century Anglo-American print culture. Her peer reviewed essay on Hinduism has been published in the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women’s Writing (ed. Dr. Lesa Scholl), 2022. Her research interests include Long Nineteenth-Century literature, marxist theory, postcolonial theory, critical race theory, and British Empire history. She is currently researching foodways of the British Raj.

Alexander Collin

Contributing Editor

Alexander Collin is a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam where he works on northern Europe from the 1490s to the 1700s. His doctoral thesis aims to test the historical applicability of theories of decision making from economics and organizational studies, considering to what extent we should historicize the idea of ‘The Decision’ and to what extent it is a human universal. The project has been funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. Alexander has written for The Historian magazine, Shells and Pebbles, The History of Knowledge Blog, as well as academic publications. Alongside his historical work, he also contributes reports to the Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker. He studied at King’s College London, Humboldt University Berlin, the University of Cambridge, and Viadrina University Frankfurt.

Parker Cotton

Contributing Editor

Parker Cotton (he/him) is a doctoral candidate in theology at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. He is working in early modern religious history, specifically religious toleration and the interpretation of scripture in northern Europe. His dissertation examines how the French philosopher Pierre Bayle used the Scripture in arguments for religious toleration in the Dutch Republic. His interests include ice hockey and his two cats, Mickey and Baby, and his dog, Diesel.

Tom Cryer

Contributing Editor

Tom Cryer (he/him) is a London Arts and Humanities Partnership-funded doctoral researcher at University College London’s Institute of the Americas. His dissertation examines histories of race, nationhood, and memory through the life, activism, and scholarship of the historian John Hope Franklin. He received his MA, MPhil, and BA from the University of Cambridge, and is a passionate podcaster and host on New Books in American Studies. He has secondary interests in African American intellectual history and the intellectual histories of education, publishing, liberalism, and the American South.

Jonas Bakkeli Eide

Contributing Editor

Jonas Bakkeli Eide is a PhD researcher in the Department of History and Civilisation at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He has an MPhil in Modern International and Transnational History from the University of Oslo, where he also studied philosophy and sociology. His dissertation is centred on the politics of expertise under Norwegian postwar social democracy, exploring the transnational production and circulation of social scientific knowledge, and the way such knowledge was utilised and contested in Norwegian politics. His research interests include the history of knowledge, gender history, labour history and the history of development, alongside hobby interest in political economy and cultural anthropology.

Zac Endter

Contributing Editor

Zac Endter is a PhD student in modern European and American history at NYU. He holds a B.A. in Economic History from the University of Pennsylvania and and an M.Sc. in Political Theory from the London School of Economics and Political Science. His dissertation studies the co-development of technical interfaces and social psychology from the interwar period to the 1970s, focusing on Germany and the US.

Kristin Engelhardt

Contributing Editor

Kristin Engelhardt, born in Hamburg, completed her BA studies in German and Italian Literature at the Universities of Hamburg and Geneva. As part of a double degree program, she received her Master’s degree in French and Francophone Studies from Humboldt University in Berlin and the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice. Her thesis explores the reception of French Surrealism in the GDR and, in particular, the anthology Surrealismus in Paris. 1919-1939 by Karl-Heinz Barck, published by Reclam in 1986. Her general research interests include avant-gardes of the 20th century with a special focus on Surrealism, Menippean satire, authors of the early modern period, and Fashion Theory. She is currently working as an editor at rethink GmbH in Berlin.

Andrew Gibson

Contributing Editor

Andrew Gibson is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Government at Georgetown University and a Hans J. Morgenthau Fellow with the Notre Dame International Security Center. He is currently writing a dissertation on the “transatlantic Machiavelli,” focusing on twentieth-century debates over the Florentine’s political-historical legacy. He holds MAs from Georgetown University and the University of Chicago and earned his BA (Honors, Phi Beta Kappa) from James Madison College at Michigan State University. His interests revolve around early modern republicanism, German historicism, and the history of strategic thought.

Matias X. Gonzalez Field

Contributing Editor

Matias X. Gonzalez is currently a postdoc fellow at the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi in Turin. He holds a PhD in Global History of Empires by the University of Turin, with a dissertation on the fraternal chain built by the French and Mexican nineteenth-century working nations. His academic formation began in Mexico City at the UAM-Iztapalapa and the UNSAM in Buenos Aires. His research interests range from conceptual history of socialism, sociopolitical history of labor and work, to the history of nation-building in Latin America and Europe in an inter-connected perspective. 

Minke Hijmans

Contributing Editor

Minke Hijmans is a PhD researcher with the School of History at the University of St Andrews. She holds an undergraduate degree in Anthropology and a Master Of Letters in Global Social and Political Thought. Her MLitt dissertation focused on “acting-with” plants in gardened spaces, “re-gardening” the legacies of empire. Her doctoral project traverses a global intellectual history of capitalist agriculture, enveloped by a story of two botanic gardens in India and Indonesia. Minke’s research interests include nonhuman (global) intellectual histories, environmental humanities, postcolonial studies, and any broadly creative, interdisciplinary research that critically imagines more viable futures.

Cynthia Houng

Contributing Editor

Cynthia Houng is a doctoral candidate in the department of history at Princeton University. Her academic interests lie at the intersection of art and economic history. She began her academic career as a modernist, but now studies Renaissance and Early Modern European history and art history. A California girl transplanted to New York City, she tries to steal time away from her academic work to explore the city’s diverse spaces for arts and culture.

Alec Israeli

Contributing Editor

Alec Israeli is a PhD student in the Department of History and Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. His research considers overlaps of intellectual history, labor history, and the history of capitalism in the 19th-century Atlantic world, focusing on contemporary theorizations of free and unfree labor in the realms of political economy, philosophy, and aesthetics. He is additionally interested in the philosophy of history (and the history of the philosophy of history). Alec received a BA (Highest Honors, Phi Beta Kappa) in History from Princeton University, and an MPhil (Distinction) in Political Thought and Intellectual History as a recipient of a Dunlevie King’s Hall Studentship at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. Prior to beginning at the University of Chicago, he worked for two years as an assistant editor at Jacobin, a publication of the US Left. Alongside writing for the JHI Blog, his work has appeared in Modern Intellectual History, an upcoming Brill volume on American Transcendentalism and materialist thought, Jacobin, and elsewhere.

Rachel Kaufman

Contributing Editor

Rachel Kaufman is a PhD student in History at UCLA and focuses on memory, religion, and diasporic identity in Mexico and the U.S. Southwest. She is interested in the ways in which literary and historical texts transmit the past and the affective world of the archive, and her current research focuses on New Mexico crypto-Jewish memory practices and the Mexican Inquisition. Her prose has been published in Rethinking History and The Yale Historical Review, and her poetry has appeared on and in the Harvard Review, Southwestern American Literature, Western Humanities Review, JuxtaProse, and elsewhere. Her first book of poetry, Many to Remember, was recently published by Dos Madres Press. She received her B.A. from Yale in English and History.

Disha Karnad Jani

Contributing Editor

Disha Karnad Jani is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Research Training Group (RTG) “World Politics” at Universität Bielefeld. Her current book project is an intellectual history of the League Against Imperialism, 1927-1937. She is the co-host of In Theory, the podcast of the JHI Blog.

Jonas Knatz

Contributing Editor

Jonas Knatz is a Ph.D. candidate in modern European history at New York University. He holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts from University College Maastricht and an M.A. in Interdisciplinary Antisemitism Studies from Technical University Berlin. He is currently writing a conceptual history of the Western European automation of labor, focusing on how the transformation of work after World War II constituted an intellectual event that altered the concepts with which philosophers, sociologists, engineers, and politicians understood their historical moment.

Tamara Maatouk

Contributing Editor

Tamara Maatouk is a Ph.D. candidate in Middle Eastern history at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She holds a B.A. in Cinema and Television from USEK and an M.A. in History from the American University of Beirut. Her research explores the lived experiences and expectations of Egyptians during the 1960s through the lens of cinema. She is the author of Understanding the Public Sector in Egyptian Cinema: A State Venture, Cairo Papers in Social Science 35:3 (Cairo; New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2019).

Pablo Martínez Gramuglia

Contributing Editor

Pablo Martínez Gramuglia received a doctorate in Literature at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is currently a Profesor Ayudante Doctor  at the Universidad de Navarra, Spain. His current research in Intellectual History focuses on relationships between authors and editors in Latin America between 1840 and 1940, but he tends to spend time reading about anything else. Pablo’s previous research investigates the public sphere in different contexts, from late colonialism to the Enlightenment and independence revolutions in Spanish America. His book La forja de una opinión pública, based on his doctoral dissertation, is open access and publicly available.

Dibyokamal Mitra

Contributing Editor

Dibyokamal Mitra is an Assistant Professor in English Literature, practising musician and psychoanalyst from Kolkata, India. He is pursuing a PhD on the works of Girindrasekhar Bose, the world’s first non-western psychoanalyst from Jadavpur University. He also plays violin at the Effem Ensemble, the jazz band The Big Other as well the Bengali musical ensemble Borno Anonyo.

Tomi Onabanjo

Contributing Editor

Tomi Onabanjo is a doctoral student at New York University who studies African and African diasporic history. He is specifically interested in discursive practices of ethnic, racial, and national identification in West Africa during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. He holds a BA in History and Africana Studies from Brown University. His writing has appeared in the Chicago Review of BooksElectric Literature, and The Brown Undergraduate Journal of Middle East Studies. Tomi is also a 2023–2024 National Book Critics Circle (NBCC) Emerging Critic.

Nilab Saeedi

Contributing Editor

Nilab Saeedi is a researcher at the Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria. She is also pursuing her doctoral studies in history at İbn Haldun University in Istanbul, Turkey. Nilab holds a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Ottoman Literature and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a double major in Modern Languages and Persian Studies. She has also worked in the field of education as a Teaching Fellow at İbn Haldun University. Nilab’s research focuses on early modern Ottoman history, the intellectual legacy of Islamic scholarship, and manuscript studies. Fluent in several languages, including Turkish, English, Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, Persian, Uzbek, Hindi, Urdu, and Kurdish, and with a basic knowledge of German. Nilab is currently working on her doctoral dissertation entitled “MUṢLIḤ AL-DĪN AL-LĀRĪ” (d. 979 / 1572) “AN INTELLECTUAL OF THREE EMPIRES,” which explores the life of a Muslim scholar who played a significant role in the Safavid, Mughal and Ottoman Empires.

Glauco Schettini

Contributing Editor

Glauco Schettini is a PhD candidate in history at Fordham University, New York. His research centers on religion and politics in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe and the Atlantic world. His dissertation, titled “The Invention of Catholicism: A Global Intellectual History of the Catholic Counterrevolution, 1780s-1840s,” investigates how European and Latin American counterrevolutionary thinkers reinvented Catholicism during the Age of Revolutions. An alumnus of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy, he is the author of more than a dozen articles and book chapters.

Philippe Schmid

Contributing Editor

Philippe Schmid is a PhD candidate in Modern History at the University of St Andrews. His work focuses on the collection and reuse of scholarly books in early modern Germany. Employing a book historical methodology for the wider history of knowledge, he is particularly interested in why used books played such a central role for the early modern transmission of knowledge. From 2017 to 2018 he was a research fellow at the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel, and in 2021 he was a visiting fellow at Harvard University.

Dennis Wieboldt

Contributing Editor

Dennis Wieboldt is a J.D./Ph.D. student in history at the University of Notre Dame, where he is a Richard and Peggy Notebaert Premier Fellow at the Graduate School and Edward J. Murphy Fellow at the Law School. His research explores the relationship between law, politics, and religion in the twentieth-century United States. His refereed scholarship has been published or is forthcoming in American Catholic Studies, U.S. Catholic Historian, the Journal of Catholic Social Thought, and Horizons, among other venues. 

Luke Wilkinson

Contributing Editor

Luke Wilkinson is a PhD student in Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Cambridge. He is working on a thesis on Muslim-Christian relations in Malta (1600-1800), where he grew up. He has been working as Contributing Editor at the JHI Blog since November 2022 and is now also Associate Editor for Project Noon, which aims to facilitate Hindu-Muslim dialogue. 

Grant Wong

Contributing Editor

Grant Wong is a Ph.D. student in History at the University of South Carolina. His research is based in the history of twentieth century American popular culture and considers its import on its own terms, alongside its impact on the fields of intellectual, political, public, and global history. Grant is particularly interested in how popular culture manifests itself in all aspects of American life, especially within music, consumerism, commodification, gender, sexuality, and youth culture.

Stephanie Zgouridi

Contributing Editor

Stephanie Zgouridi is a Ph.D. Candidate in History at Princeton University. Her current research focuses on the conceptual history of generation(s) in modern Europe, particularly in France, Germany, and Spain. She received her M.A. in European Studies from KU Leuven and her B.A. in History and Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley.

Primary Editors Emeriti

Simon Brown
Sarah Claire Dunstan
Shuvatri Dasgupta
Thomas Furse
Isabel Jacobs
Erin McGuirl
Madeline McMahon (founding ed.)
Derek O’Leary
John Raimo (founding ed.)
Emily Rutherford (founding ed.)
Luna Sarti
Anne Schult
Spencer Weinreich

Contributing Editors Emeriti

Jenny Davis Barnett
Zach Bates
Lyes Benarbane
Eric Brandom
Oscar Broughton
Kristin Buhrow
Elsa Costa
Albert Hawks, Jr.
Andrew Hines
Emily Hull
Pranav Kumar Jain
David Kretz
Daniel London
Brendan Mackie
E. L. Meszaros
Max Norman
Brooke Palmieri
Maryam Patton
Jake Purcell
Basma N. Radwan
Yitzchak Schwartz
Carolyn Taratko
Maria Weigel
Tingfeng Yan

Editorial Assistants Emeriti

Scott Newman
Ruhi Roy

Editorial Interns Emeriti

Rachel Kaufman
Lauren Kelly
Celeste Marcus