Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section.
Barbara Newman, Byzantine Laments: Anna Komnene, Historian (LRB)
Benjamin Kunkel, Marx’s Revenge (The Nation)
Deborah Cohen, A Vast Masquerade: Dr James Barry (LRB)
Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, The Radical Argument of the New Oxford Shakespeare (New Yorker)
Miya Tokumitsu, In Defense of the Lecture (Jacobin)
Lisa Appignanesi, “Cold War Freud and Freud: An Intellectual Biography Review – the politics of psychoanalysis” (Guardian)
Ann Jamison, “The Retrospect: Australian Women’s Writing Symposium” (VIDA)
Thea Riofrancos, “Democracy Without the People” (n+1)
Timothy Snyder, “The Reichstag Warning” (The New York Review of Books)
Miya Tokumitsu, In Defense of the Lecture (Jacobin)
Barbara Newman, “Byzantine Lament” (London Review of Books)
Robert E. Norton, “Ernst Kantorowicz: Man of Two Bodies” (The Times Literary Supplement)
Violet Hudson, “Horrors of Waugh” (The Times Literary Supplement)
Peter E. Gordon, “Saul Friedländer’s Many Lives” (The Nation)
Antonio Gramsci, Jr. “My Grandfather” (The New Left Review)
Unorthodox, “British Invasion” (Tablet)
Robert Zaretsky, “Trump and the ‘Society of Spectacle’” (New York Times)
Kenneth Roth, “Must it Always be Wartime” (NYRB)
David Grann, “The Marked Woman” (The New Yorker)
Jeremy Adelman, “What is Global History Now?” (Aeon)
Barbara Newman, “Byzantine Laments” (London Review of Books)
Michele Nijhuis, “What Do You Call The End of A Species?” (The New Yorker)
Yvonne Seale, “George Washington: A Descendant of Odin?” (The Public Domain Review)
Nell Zink, “Writing for Rejection” (n+1)
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