JHI Blog

The Journal of the History of Ideas Blog



What’s in a Name? Anonymity in the Authorship of Babylonian Scientific Texts

By contributing editor E.L. Meszaros

Genres of Math: Arithmetic, Algebra, and Algorithms in Ancient Egyptian Mathematics

By contributing author E.L. Meszaros As non-native readers of Egyptian hieratic and hieroglyphics, our understanding of the mathematics recorded in these languages must necessarily go through a process of translation. Such translation is both necessary to allow us to study… Continue Reading →

The challenge of contingency and Leibniz’s cybernetic thinking

By guest contributor Audrey Borowski According to the philosopher of science Alexandre Koyré, the early modern period marked the passage ‘from the world of more-or-less to the universe of precision’. Not all thinkers greeted the mathematization of epistemology with the… Continue Reading →

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