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The Journal of the History of Ideas Blog

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Apes, Jews, and Others: a reading of Franz Kafka’s “A Report to an Academy” and Bernard Malamud’s “God’s Grace”

  by guest contributor Yaelle Frohlich On the surface, Franz Kafka’s short story “A Report to an Academy” (1917) and Bernard Malamud‘s last finished novel, God’s Grace (1982), appear quite different, but they each boast a striking similar feature: Both… Continue Reading →

What We’re Reading: May 15th-20th

Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Madeline: Mary Beard, “Life in Ruins”… Continue Reading →

Intellectual History from Below

by Emily Rutherford When he came to give a lecture at Columbia University last month, Chris Hilliard was introduced as “an intellectual historian from below.” “From below” is a term to conjure with in modern British history: a field whose… Continue Reading →

Mai-mai Sze and Irene Sharaff in Public and in Private

by contributing editor Erin McGuirl I’ve written about Mai-mai Sze on this blog three times, and in those pieces I have focused on her life as a reader and writer. I am neither a historian nor a biographer by training… Continue Reading →

What We’re Reading: May 14

Please welcome Yitzchak Schwartz, a new contributing editor who is joining us this month! You can read more about him on the Masthead page. Emily: L.D. Burnett, On Lamentations for a Lost Canon (Chronicle) Charlotte Higgins, Tudormania: why can’t we… Continue Reading →

Max Weber and Carl Schmitt: Crossroads of Crisis

by guest contributor Pedro T. Magalhães Ideas have unintended consequences. Max Weber, the founding father of German sociology, must have been keenly aware of this. In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904/05), he put forward the bold… Continue Reading →

What We’re Reading: May 7

Missed yesterday’s Lovejoy Lecture? Check out our Storify summary of the proceedings. Emily: Mary Beard, BBC Latin (A Don’s Life) David Tennant et al., Look Back in Anger; Tennant Looks Back at Osborne (BBC Radio 4) Eleanor Parker, May Miscellany… Continue Reading →

Shame, Memory, and the Politics of the Archive

by guest contributor Nicole Longpré During a research trip to the University of Leeds in the spring of 2014, I requested access to a selection of files from the papers of former Labour MP Merlyn Rees which are held by… Continue Reading →

We Have Never Been Presentist: On Regimes of Historicity

by guest contributor Zoltán Boldizsár Simon It is great news that François Hartog’s Regimes of Historicity: Presentism and Experiences of Time has finally come out in English. The original French edition dates back to 2003, and my encounter with the… Continue Reading →

What We’re Reading: April 30

Emily: Nakul Krishna, What Enid Blyton’s school stories taught me about ethics (Aeon) and Hannah Woods, Winning University Challenge, googling my eyebrows, and inspiring girls to be swots (New Statesman) Alison Flood, Author Jenny Diski, diagnosed with inoperable cancer, dies… Continue Reading →

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